Ranging from Neil Armstrong's " That's one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind" to Lao Tzu's "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step", quotes about starting one's journey are seemingly endless.
Althought maybe I should include one about faulty equipment:
Yesterday I was getting my equipment together and to my horror I found that my backpack looked like it had been mauled, with holes everywhere! Didn't know that moths (if it was a moth) could be so aggressive! In any case, cue a slight panic - so I shot off to this huge sports store, intent on getting the best deal. Now the last time I bought a backpack was eons ago, so on arrival I faced a wall (not exaggerating) of high tech bags, each one more daunting and expensive than the next. Luckily a salesperson took pity on me and offered to help. We spent over 2 HOURS trying on bags, putting in weight, me wandering around, up and down the store
Oh yes, by the way, my trip has suddenly become slightly more ambitious. Instead of just touring SEA, I've decided to hop on over to Australia. Despite the fact that it'll be winter - ugh. Well, beggers can't be choosers. I'm off to see Francine in Melbourne and my darling brother will join me there. Then, who knows! There's a whole new world out there to explore.