Thursday, 29 May 2008

Phnom Penh & Siam Reap

Am in dusty brown Siam Reap at the moment, sweating away, trying to edge the computer closer and closer to the fan ... and am getting the evil eye from the receptionist.

Bangkok was great, even if Manuel did come back complaining bitterly after a Thai Massage. Apparently he had been sadistically mistreated by some Rambo-type Thai guy... pushing his knees and elbows into his upper and lower back, leaning on his legs and practically killing him. Told him he should have gone for the Oil massage, but when in Rome...!
We spent hours and hours (or what felt like hours) wandering round BKK, enjoying the sights until we got fed up with Wats (temples), palaces and suchlike. No prizes for guessing what we did next... yes, why not support the local economy? Manuel gallantly offered to carry any excess shopping... before going completely crazy at the Mall! I, of course, bought nothing (apart from the odd pair of shoes.)

Flew out to Phnom Penh two days ago and really enjoyed zooming around with the TukTuks. Visited the Toul Sleng (S21) Prison and the Killing fields. The atrocities (torture) committed in the not so recent past were so horrific that I felt quite faint and had to step out. It was quite a contrast to the Silver Pagoda (silver floor) and the Palace afterwards. Couldn't really take it all in. The images still haunt me. Am actually really surprised I did not have any nightmares.

Tomorrow morning will see us up bright and early at the frightful hour of 04:50am - we are off to catch the sunrise at Angkor Wat! So excited!