After a couple of weeks at home, I decided I needed a break from all the Swissness. Being free as a bird made me the ideal person to go travelling with, so who was I to complain when two friends asked me to go on holiday?
But first things first, I had missed the anniversary of our relationship. So my boyfriend and I stole away to Dublin, Ireland, for a long and romantic weekend. Fate was smiling upon us with beautiful weather, great experiences and a lot to explore. Lovely ;-).
A week after that, I navigated the cobbled streets of Lisabon (no mean feat with heels!) and lived off the free port wine of Porto (Portugal). Yum!
Three days later saw me braving the cold of Scotland, with full winter gear.
Thanks to the impressive Scotrail infrastructure, we toured through Edinburgh, Inverness, Loch Ness and Aberdeen, before finally relaxing in Glasgow. What a trip!
The last week of November saw M & me wandering through the streets of Prague. Soaking up the history, architecture and copious amounts of goulash soup! What a romantic city...
Christmas has now come and gone, leaving me contemplating the past year with all its joys and sorrows. Although I may not have had an epithany and am not yet sure where life's road will lead me (and how boring if I did!), I am proud to be able to say (in the words of Frank Sinatra), this year "I did it myyyyyyyyyyy wayyyyyyy!"
A belated Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone!